Starlight Express the Musical Wiki

Starlight Express Credits[]

Broadway - 1987 - Swing (cover Flat-Top, Dustin, Caboose, Bobo, Weltschaft, Krupp) (filled in for Bobo between AC Ciulla and Brian Carmack)

Broadway - 1987 - 88 - Swing (cover Flat-Top, Dustin, Caboose, Bobo, Espresso, Weltschaft, Krupp)

US Tour - 1990 - 1991 - Purse

1987 Biography[]

ANTHONY GALDE (Standby) is a Californian making his Broadway debut. His professional career began at the age of 12. His extensive musical credits include a recent stint at the Great American Theme Park in Santa Clara in Celebration. he salutes his grandfather, vaudevillian Noble Lundblade.

